
Ibiza Featured Track

In return for add on Ibiza playlist, we ask all artists on the track to post the following on their Instagram. We will produce playlist branded video content, We would need a download link to: COVER and MP3 or WAV file of the track.

Please follow these guidelines when you do the postings:

Instagram Story

Place a clear link to the playlist on the story.
Link to use: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4PFT2iFEAmJVAKyS9t0toN

Instagram Post

First image (if you are posting several), must be the video we produce for you.

Tagging and linking

Place a clear link to the playlist form the Story post. Please use the following tags in description #Ibiza2022 #IbizaPlaylist @SimonFieldMusic Do not alter the design, add emojis, other texts. Make sure the video fills the whole screen. Any text must be made as small as possible and ideally have the same colour or as the background